How to keep a simple life after lockdown.
I’ve been quite anxious at the thought of restrictions being lifted. I know it’s probably just the unknown, but it made me realize that I don’t really want things to go back to the way they were. Our idea of “normal” was pretty messed up.
I’ve found going back to basics and living a very simple life for the past 8 weeks has given me a fresh outlook on life.
So, I’ve decided there are a few routines I’m going to try and keep doing as we move into life after lockdown!
And don’t worry it’s not the get up at 4 am and meditate kind of list. It’s the real-life things, the simple things and all the things I’ve enjoyed and wish I had done more of up until now. So here’s my top 5:
1. Calling and face timing. I know this won’t feel as important once we are able to see each other again but I have loved feeling so close and connected to my family and friends. My family is quite spread out, across Victoria but I’ve never felt closer to them than the past few months. Being able to call and see their faces made me my days. Especially my Grandad who has taken up the Ukulele and will sing and play us a song every time we speak. Checking in with my family and friends more is something I will definitely continue to do after lockdown.
2. Spend more time in our garden. We are so lucky to live on a beautiful block with fruit trees, native plants and bushland nearby. I made it my mission during iso to learn how to prune our fruit trees and it has been so satisfying seeing them develop. Also picking and eating something you have grown yourself is so rewarding, we are planning on starting our own veggie patch now too.
3. Spend more time outdoors. It sounds simple but when you’re working full time sometimes it just feels like a continuous cycle of; wake up, get in the car, go to work, get back in the car, drive home and go inside! We always walked our dogs each night before iso but that doesn’t seem like enough anymore. Even just things like eating my lunch outside or setting up my desk outside for a few hours made such a difference to my mood.
4. Create more. I’m not sure if it’s because I now have an extra 15 hours of commuting time back in my life each week, but I’ve found that I’ve had so much more time and energy to put into creative projects. I’m usually too tired when I get home to do anything other than flop on the couch, but now that it takes all of 2 minutes to pack up my work on the dining room table, I have this newfound motivation to get creative and I’ve loved it! I’ve never felt more inspired, so I really want to try and hold onto that after lockdown.
5. Making pancakes. We somehow got into the routine of making pancakes on a Saturday morning and it’s been the best. We enjoy a coffee while listening to music and eating pancakes together at the kitchen bench.
I couldn’t think of a better way to start the weekend.
So those are just a few of my favourite things that I’ve noticed during my time in lockdown. There are so many more but I know as soon as life does start to go back to “normal” it’ll be easy to forget about the slow life we’ve lived so I wanted to pick just 5 things that I could consciously make an effort to continue.
What parts of your iso life are you going to keep?